Well, we don't know what to tell you. Sounds like you have issues. But what do we know? We're not trained psychologists.
While you're trying to figure things out, however, why not take one of our non-scientific personality tests? They may not provide the key to self-enlightenment, but they'll definitely provide you with a few laughs! (from TBS.com)

You are most like: CARRIE
Is it possible to be an old-fashioned romantic and a fashionplate for the modern age, all at once? Somehow, you make it work. You're a living contradiction: intelligent and worldly, yet constantly surprised by what life throws at you; fiercely independent, yet desperately longing for lasting love. With all of that going on in your head, it's a wonder you even get up in the morning!(See? I'm right! Now this is to justify why i have a hard time getting up in the morning...or getting up at all, morning, evening...all the time.)

You are most like: RACHEL
As Rachel, you are sometimes seen as shallow and ditzy. And it's true that you have been known as somewhat of a dreamer. But that will change. Now that you are in the real world, and can't rely on daddy anymore, you're going to have to dig in and get your hands dirty for once. But you'll be okay...behind that rich kid persona is one tough cookie. (Real world really sucks...have to get used to those job things..hee)

Your Seinfeld work personality type is: "EL SARCASMO"
You have trouble taking anything seriously, especially your job. You'll sit back and make your witty observations while the company burns to the ground around you. Thanks to your lack of commitment, you're on the road to nowhere and you're driving with the parking break on. ( My job bores me, this is sooo true. I have yet to find the perfect work setting for me. I'm really on the road to nowhere.)

Your out-of-work character is: BRIAN
You may be the only person in your social set who doesn't count celeb gossip shows as "educational programming." But being cultured has its price. Your job may stimulate you, but your friends offer very little in the way of intelligent conversation. On the other hand, they're easy targets for your sarcastic humor, so they're not totally worthless. And when all else fails to amuse you, there's always your good friend, alcohol. (Er..i don't think this is me. The only thing right here is my good friend. Hehe)
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