Following the loss, Agassi coaxed himself into his courtside chair and buried his face in a towel. Then he looked up through tear-filled eyes at the more than 20,000 people standing and cheering him in Arthur Ashe Stadium, a tribute that lasted four minutes.
Agassi rose and moved to the center of the court for a second round of bows and kisses to the four sides of the arena, gingerly bending his back.
"I was sitting there realizing that I was saying goodbye to everybody out there, and they were saying goodbye to me," the 36-year-old Agassi said. "It's saying goodbye. It's a necessary evil. But we were getting through it together. That felt amazing."
Agassi rose and moved to the center of the court for a second round of bows and kisses to the four sides of the arena, gingerly bending his back.
"I was sitting there realizing that I was saying goodbye to everybody out there, and they were saying goodbye to me," the 36-year-old Agassi said. "It's saying goodbye. It's a necessary evil. But we were getting through it together. That felt amazing."

On A Lighter Note.....It's a dream come true going to the Open...whee! ( And zees, here's more blahblahblahblahblah...sowee. hee)

And looks like, Andre was running away from me...doesn't matter...i love him!

Was with Cheryl, Dennis and Roy. You can't ask for a better company to the Open than these three. Esp. the two boys, soooo into tennis. Tulo laway all throughout Maria Sharapova's game. She's sooo pretty by the way.

And of course, gotta have a picture with the globe and the fountain.

At the Grandstand, Robredo playing....twas a good game. (Just don't click on the pic, na mamagnify pimples ko. hehe)

Henin-Hardenne playing...blah game, not Justine's match, boring. Armstrong stadium is kewl though.
WOW...thanks for sharing the pix...aliw...God Bless.
This may be blahblahblah to me b-but... wow. You made it to the US Open. Whee!
Saw his byebyebye speech on the Today Show. How sad. If I were Becker, I would've made him win.
I know, right? He kept on saying he was his idol, duh, then let him win! Hmp. I was hoping he would too. B-but, i think he did slow down a little bit at the last 2 matches, don't know if it's from the cramps or just wanna give gramps a chance. Oh well, blahblahbllah...hehe
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